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Daniel Greene, NA (1934-2020)


Daniel Greene, NA

United States

Born in 1934

Joined Artisor: March 2023

Artist Stats

Total pieces for sale: 5

Total pieces sold: 9

Highest price piece sold: $45,000 (Sophie - Spring Street)

Average price per square inch: $28


Daniel Greene, NA (1934-2020)

Considered to be one of the more important painters of our time, Mr. Daniel Greene’s paintings lead the way in bringing the Contemporary realists to the forefront. Considered by the Encyclopedia Britannica to be the foremost pastelist in the United States, he was known for painting leaders in government, banking, education, industry and the arts

Mr. Greene’s paintings and pastels are in over 500 public and private collections in the United States and abroad including the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He has been the recipient of the Elizabeth T. Greenshields Foundation grant and the Anna Lee Stacey grant. A retrospective exhibition of Mr. Greene’s paintings and pastels was held in 1987 at the Hammond Museum in New York. He was featured on ABC-TV, Fox News, PBS, CNN, New York 1, NHK TV Japan, and in over 50 international magazines and newspapers. His recent exhibition “Subway Paintings” at the New York Transit Museum at Grand Central Terminal was the inaugural event in the centennial year of the New York subway. Mr. Greene has been the featured artist in American Artist magazine 15 times. Articles about his work have appeared eight times in the Artist’s Magazine. Favorable reviews have appeared three times in Art News magazine. In February 1999, Mr. Greene’s paintings were featured in a cover article of the International Artist magazine. In 1998 Daniel Greene was interviewed in the Academy Award nominated documentary “Ayn Rand, a Sense of Life” and was recently the subject of the cable documentary “The Genuine Article” as well as a PBS documentary featuring his subway paintings. Highly regarded as a portrait artist, his subjects include leaders of government, banking, education, and industry. A few of the early works include Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, astronaut Walter Schirra, author Ayn Rand, and William Randolph Hearst. Some governmental portraits include Governor Scott of North Carolina, Governor Laxalt of Nevada, Governor Beliles of Virginia, Governor Lehman of New York, as well as two mayors of New York City. Some later portraits include Dave Thomas of Wendy’s, Governor Fob James of Alabama, commentator Rush Limbaugh, Congressman Billy Tauzin, composer Alan Menken and Bryant Gumbel of CBS. Some recent portraits include john and Adele Lehman for Harvard, Eric Widing of Christie’s and Governor Benjamin Cayetano of Hawaii. A partial list of sitters includes the chairmen of the boards of Honeywell, Coca-Cola Company, Dupont Corporation, American Express, the New York stock exchange and IBM. Mr. Greene has also painted the deans and presidents of: Tufts, Duke, Columbia, North Carolina, West Point, Delaware, New York, Princeton, Rutgers, Yale and Harvard universities.

Bio Author: T.H. Brennen Fine Art