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Jill Corless

United States

Born in 1960

Joined Artisor: February 2024


Jill was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada but now resides in Florida. From a young age she was always happiest while drawing and creating. She graduated from the Ontario College of Art with a four-year degree in Communication and Design but considers her Fine Art self-taught. She stopped painting entirely in 1984 and always felt she had lost a large piece of herself without it. It wasn’t until September of 2017 that she finally started back with her art. She started with colored pencils and then made the switch over to pastels and now also works in oils and watercolors. Jill is honored to be a juried member of the prestigious International Guild of realism, the International Society of Animal Artists, considered to be the virtual whos’ who of animal art, and the Pastel Society of America.


Jill tries to use her art, when possible, to bring much needed attention to subjects that pull at her heart. She loves to use bright warm palates and dramatic lighting to enhance her work. Painting people and animals are her passion – it’s the eyes. Even when she was a young artist people were drawn to the eyes in her work, that and the detail in her paintings is what she is known for now. She is fascinated with just how much you can learn about an animal or person just by looking into their eyes. The eyes are truly the window to the soul, they do not lie. They tell joy, sadness, fear – it’s all there to be seen if you look deeply enough. Jill always starts her paintings with the eyes. She says if you can’t get the eyes right the entire soul of the painting is lost and Jill paints to find the soul of her subject.

Bio Author: I.G.O.R. Show in Scottsdale

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