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Priscilla Nelson

United States

Born in 1962

Joined Artisor: February 2024

Artist Stats

Total pieces for sale: 4

Total pieces sold: 1

Highest price piece sold: $9,500 (Broad Horizon)

Average price per square inch: $9


I have been a professional artist for over 40 years, and, like many artists, have explored many mediums and subject matter.

The proverbial “I always painted as a child” can only explain part of my journey as an artist. I give credit to the amazing high school art teachers for the strong foundation in drawing. Can’t say enough about what an inspiration they were to me.

But the biggest credit goes to my parents. They encouraged a very young child to discover her passion for drawing and painting. There was not a birthday or Christmas without a wrapped gift containing a box of new and exciting art supplies.

My passion and primary medium is oil on canvas. I mainly focuses on figurative works in a contemporary-realistic style. The majority of my work explores the figure, clothing, and water. I love how they interact with each other and how they convey moods and create a story line.

My inspiration is people and what they wear. I have always enjoyed observing and interacting with those around me. Since I was little I was intrigued by how people move and the statement they make by what they wear. When I moved to Scottsdale, AZ, I became obsessed by water. Something, water, that I once took for granted was now so striking in its absence here in the desert. Water has become prevalent in most of my painting. The way water channels light and creates chaotic movement. I love painting those reflections on the skin. My models are often immersed in water!

Besides figurative, my commissioned work includes landscapes, cars, planes, and specific large scale pieces.

My art is currently featured in private and public collections throughout the United States and abroad. I am a member of Oil Painters of America and the International Guild of Realism. I currently resides in Scottsdale, AZ and my studio is open via appointments.

Bio Author: I.G.O.R. Show in Scottsdale