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Richard Sutter

United States

Born in 1920

Joined Artisor: October 2023

Artist Stats

Total pieces for sale: 1


( 9/21/1920 – 12/6/2016 )


The late Richard Sutter’s words……

“Of the leading artists, illustrators, and photographers in the world- Hopefully something rubbed off.”


The Artist’s watercolors have been exhibited at the Brennen Galleries for over 25 years. The Sterling Gallery in La Jolla, Ca; Wolfe Gallery in Tuscon, AZ; The O’Brien Gallery, and Vanier & Roberts Galleries.  Sutter’s work has been represented in international water color exhibitions, long with artists like Chen-Chi, and Steve Hanks.  As a freelance writer and designer, Sutter created special assignments for publications like, but not limited to Town & Country, The Wall St. Journal, Cosmopolitan, Barron’s, and House Beautiful Publication.

The artist’s intimate still lifes explore the classic still life subjects – many collectors embraced his moody scenes of Venice and his Vinyards.Sutters Wine studies bring his special mystery to a genre – his wine paintings are collected by Viinters, wine buffs for hundreds of wine rooms and walls alike.

Gallery Owner’s words:

“…. a few years before Richard’s passing, he would take the complimentary senior citizen cab to the gallery. He simply wanted to sit for hours and tell someone his stories which ranged for almost 100 years.  I was usually the benefactor of his stories, and what a treasure for me. He shared stories of his Ad-man days in NY in the 50’s to the days of Normandy when he was 24 years old.  These were not bleak stories about hardship, rather filled with life and adventure. His perspective was genuine and unique, and I will always hold those moments dear to me.  He had this twinkle in his eye when he spoke and although his body had clearly failed him, his mind was sharper than most!  He was a story teller, in both his artwork and his novels.  I always felt his experiences/stories had a patina to them.  Richard could paint anything and I commissioned him to paint lions heads for me. They are hanging in my home office today…..and always will be.”

Bio Author: T.H. Brennen Fine Art

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