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Sandrine Piegay


Born in 1973

Joined Artisor: February 2024


Originally from Lyon, France, Sandrine Piegay is a remarkable artist who draws inspiration from daily encounters, the people she meets, and the places she discovers. As a self-taught individual, she has always had an affinity for the arts. Yet, it wasn’t until the summer of 2019 that she reached a turning point.

Inspired by the works and mentorship of Jean-Luc Bouchaud, a respected figure in the art world, Sandrine decided to commit to her passion for drawing.

Just three months into her journey, she was invited to exhibit at the Perpignan Congress Palace—an opportunity that marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter in her life.

In May 2020, the author Julien Grycan entrusted her with the illustration of his novel, followed by her first contract with a Parisian gallery in September 2020, amidst the challenges of the global pandemic and the shift to virtual exhibitions.

The following year, Sandrine’s dream continued to flourish as she honed her skills and began exhibiting in Canada, at various galleries, art fairs, and festivals. She also saw her first drawing book published by Grycan Editions.

In the midst of 2021, Sandrine won her first artistic competition, leading to her drawing being featured in a calendar supporting fellow artists named “Arti’Solidaires”.

Today, she is a recognized artist with a Drouot rating and is a regular at auction houses. She also co-organized an exhibition showcasing nearly sixty artists and 750 works.

Embracing collaboration and exchange, Sandrine worked with another artist, “Manu LBLG”, to create the cover for his CD. In 2023, she launched her own brand and introduced her first collection of leather goods, entirely made in France by Art craftsmen.

Her international presence continues to expand, with exhibitions in Canada, India, Spain, the USA, Argentina, and more, associated with UNOTA for the International Environmental Quarters: The Awakening of Consciousness.

In 2023, Sandrine was honored with two trophies from Indian galleries, followed by the prestigious Medusa Award at the Contemporary Art Biennale in Italy, Her professional trajectory reached new heights in 2024 with the Global Woman’s Award from the Warsi Organization, thereby affirming her status as a representative of France on the global art scene.

Her achievements were then crowned at PIPA 2024, organized by the prestigious Mondial Art Accademia. During this International Prize for Art Professionals, she received a gold medal awarded by the famous Zen Gallery (Quebec-Canada), which offered her a future exhibition.

These distinctions reflect the passion and determination that drive her incredible artistic journey. Through this biography, we discover a committed artist who, despite the praise and recognition received since her beginnings in 2019, remains true to her personal and immersive approach to creation, offering the world pieces that are windows into her soul.

Bio Author: I.G.O.R. Show in Scottsdale

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